The TS.X0 Gets An Install In The Bahamas!!

A popular tourist destination and cruise ship stop for many, Nassau, Bahamas is home to more than 260,000 residents. Nestled within Nassau is a secluded and lavish beachside community named Albany, home to those looking for a luxurious lifestyle in the comfort of a beautiful beachside environment. With a long list of activities to experience, Albany features shopping, dining, sports, fitness, and well-being as their primary attractions. Albany is a place fit for living, celebrating or simply enjoying a holiday. Throughout the year, temperatures hover around a sublime 85 degrees Fahrenheit enabling visitors and residents to enjoy the outdoor scenery year-round.

Taking a spotlight to the Albany residential community, is a residence that sits along and overlooks the oceanfront and is home to amazing breathtaking views. In this residence, Panda Windows & Doors will be installing multiple recessed top and bottom track TS.X0 systems featuring 15/16” minimal profiles that will create a floor-to-ceiling glass look, creating an ultra-modern look and feel. The TS.X0 can reach up to 250 sq ft per panel enabling immense dimension capabilities and providing an awe-inspiring feel to your next project!

As this project continues to progress through development, please check back for updates on construction, installation, and the final look of the TS.X0 in this beautiful residence!

Architecture, Custom Windows, Custom Doors, Folding Doors, Bi-part Doors, Lift and Slide Doors, Glass Walls, Pivot Doors, French Doors, Hurricane Rated Doors, Re-model, Renovation, Commercial, Residential


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